Our factories
In-house manufacturing in Europe
We produce a third of our products in our factories in Poland, Slovakia and Lithuania. Having full control of the entire production process makes it easier to create innovative interior solutions of our own while meeting customer needs.

In-house production has been a cornerstone of our strategy of offering quality products at affordable prices since the 1990s. Today, we have three factories.

AJ Furniture Factory in Poland produces wooden furniture like desks and workbenches, AJ Metal Design in Slovakia manufacture clothes lockers and shelving systems and UAB Kalvarijos Baldai in Lithuania specialises in textile products such as sofas and sound absorbers. Together the factories produce a third of our range and form the backbone of our supply of goods.

Since our in-house products are developed in collaboration with our own designers, all the stages of the production process are designed to suit our factories.
That means that every piece of the puzzle is carefully planned and streamlined in accordance with our quality goals. All with the ultimate aim of resulting in a good work environment for you and your colleagues.