Quality and environmental labelling
Working actively with our quality and environmental labels is important to us. Why? Because we want to ensure the quality of our products and minimise our environmental footprint.

Position Green is a platform for measuring and monitoring sustainability data. Our collaboration with Position Green contributes to the development of our sustainability work and reporting.

A network and knowledge platform run by RISE. This network provides us, as a company, with tools and knowledge exchange on chemical and environmental issues related to products and production.

Membership in the sustainability network EMC contributes to skills development and exchange of experiences in sustainable business development.

AJ Products sits as a representative on Möbelfakta's criteria council. The council's task is to ensure that Möbelfakta's criteria are relevant, up-to-date, and aligned with ISO 14024.

By participating in the SIS Technical Committee, we gain early insights into emerging standards. For more information on what we do in each area of sustainability, you can read our Sustainability Report.